Pomegranate Glazed Scallops | The Little Shop of Olive Oils

Pomegranate Glazed Scallops

Incredible!  ...just need to double up the recipe for two people.



  1. Wash and dry scallops. Set aside.
  2. Heat a pan on between medium high to high, add your Oil and maple syrup.
  3. once it's starts sizzling, add your scallops, pomegranate seeds, and balsamic vinegar.
  4. The vinegar will start to caramelize with the Oil/syrup fast so keep mixing the sauce around with the seeds and scallops to form a glaze.
  5. Add in your garlic and dash sea salt.
  6. Pan sear for 6-8 minutes on medium high, flipping the scallops once or twice.
  7. Remove from heat.
  8. Serve into dishes and spoon sauce and pomegranate seeds over top.
  9. Garnish with cracked black pepper
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